The Displaced

Civilians are footing the bill! Footprints may get expunged but this land reflects its identity and heritage all the time. You will be back someday with dignity and will live into the bosom of your homes again.

Cease fire in Gaza

I Also Quit The Race Of Labels

Be this, be that!

They said be a woman, be a man 

Be strong, fight back they said, but wait Who’s “they”? Could they be us?

Be a human, be confident          

Feel strong, feel weak, trust your gut

Be a human

Dress up, dress down. Wear heels, walk barefoot. Dress whatever you like. Wear makeup, surprise yourself.    

Tired of labels? Me too.

Be a human, not a super human. Be a change-maker, speak out, shout loud

There are things to be done. Help them happen

Help others, be selfish. Reign, serve.       

Be a human.

Make love, make money.

Buy flowers, pick flowers,give flowers.      

Be feminine, be masculine.

Only you define it

Have two, have none.   

Be feminist, be activist, be optimist

Be a friend, a friend of yourself.  

Be a human, just be.

These words are quoted from a video on YouTube and it deeply resonates!

More Time and More Exertions Are Needed

Yesterday I received the rejection mail from the chevening scholarship. I thought I submitted a good application with well-written essays, but apparently, they were not good enough to stand out among thousands of applicants. Surprisingly, I did not feel sad or disappointed, but rather determined to work on my skills, study more for CFA, and maybe retake IELTS with goal 8! I am grateful for being different from the mass of people in my periphery, but I realized this was not enough to study at one of the top 20 universities in the globe. Again there is more time into the cocoon dwelling there active not lying dormant. I feel I have not much time to waste on unnecessary things. I should work hard on what I already have and make some progress here before reaching milestones. The journey to success would never be easy or smooth. There should be obstacles, times of failures, and people who insist on my high expectations Vs my humble capabilities and education according to their standpoint. We will see what kind of surprises the cosmos might bring about to help me achieve my goals and dreams. I believe they are not wishful thinking and they will come true someday.

The Current Plight

Another currency floating happened this morning moving the EGP from 24.7 to 26.7. I feel paraplegic unable to project the future or how starving most of us will be. Everyone in a position is held accountable for this plight and the humanitarian crisis we all face now. It was indeed our slogan “Bread, Freedom, and Social justice” in January 2011 not to get to the verge of destruction, not to transgress asking for food or out of fear of death. Despotism begets nothing but anger and justice from the mobs.

The situation is unbearable in Egypt now. I am not selfish but deep down I don’t care much about saving money or making calculations for tomorrow as I feel I will not stay much here. I feel grateful for the last decade for being a firm guru allowing me to gain more knowledge and master another language. For their veneer as an insurmountable hindrance to a blessing to another gate. My people are reliant on the relics of our ancestors bragging all the time of lineage, but life does not tarry with yesterday and today what matters only. Education illuminates us and helps us make a living not the opposite. Glad for snatching myself away from ignorance, parochialism, and laziness.

Hopes, Hopes

He will give you something better than what was taken from you.

Yesterday I submitted my application to study Finance MSc at the university of Edinburgh. Well, I wouldn’t deny my effort or exertion to learn, take exams, and pass them. However, getting to this point was impossible then. I am in the mode of let’s see how much my efforts will pay off. It’s the first time in my life I feel relieved before knowing the results and it is not easy to get there at all. Once I have decided to make the change, endure people’s dirt in front of my face, eschew ignorance, accept being an outcast in my close circle of friends and acquaintances, and persist. Making choices is by far easy, but executing them is an epoch full of lessons.