I Also Quit The Race Of Labels

Be this, be that!

They said be a woman, be a man 

Be strong, fight back they said, but wait Who’s “they”? Could they be us?

Be a human, be confident          

Feel strong, feel weak, trust your gut

Be a human

Dress up, dress down. Wear heels, walk barefoot. Dress whatever you like. Wear makeup, surprise yourself.    

Tired of labels? Me too.

Be a human, not a super human. Be a change-maker, speak out, shout loud

There are things to be done. Help them happen

Help others, be selfish. Reign, serve.       

Be a human.

Make love, make money.

Buy flowers, pick flowers,give flowers.      

Be feminine, be masculine.

Only you define it

Have two, have none.   

Be feminist, be activist, be optimist

Be a friend, a friend of yourself.  

Be a human, just be.

These words are quoted from a video on YouTube and it deeply resonates!

A Quote

Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. – Muhammad Ali